About us

We wish to bring together young people, currently studying nursing in six European countries. 

This builds on an existing partnership between the participating organisations. 

The previous ERASMUS funded project (a student conference) was held in Lincoln in 2019 and focused on aims to build on the concept of age, exploring topical issues when working with younger people. 

We wish to continue this work due to the positive feedback from previous conferences. At the end of the last conference, a meeting between all participants took place where the timing, focus, and subject area of the next conference was decided as nursing ethics. Due to the coronavirus pandemic the event was later on agreed to be held online during the spring semester 2021.  

All partners and team leaders deliver educational courses in nursing to young people from their respective countries and in addition to their on-going support of this collaboration, all staff have demonstrated their motivation and commitment to sharing their experiences, upon return to the sending organisations, with other staff and students. 

FINLAND Oulu University of Applied Sciences

Kirsi Myllykangas kirsi.myllykangas@oamk.fi 

UK University of Lincoln

Ros Kane rkane@lincoln.ac.uk  

Rachael Mason rmason@lincoln.ac.uk

UK University of East Anglia

Paul Linsley p.linsley@uea.ac.uk

Katie Beck k.beck@uea.ac.uk

POLAND Medical University of Lublin

Beata Dobrowolska beata.dobrowolska@umlub.pl

Michal Machul mm.machul@gmail.com

SLOVENIA College of Nursing in Celje

Jerneja Meza jerneja.meza@rss-ce.si

Bojana Filej bojana.filej@gmail.com

GERMANY Asklepios Harzkliniken GmbH

Beata Boronczyk be.boronczyk@asklepios.com

Kathleen Sprei k.sprei@asklepios.com

CROATIA Josep Jurev Strossmeyer University of Osijek

Robert Lovric rlovric@fdmz.hr

Ivana Kovacevic ibarac@fdmz.hr

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Nurses at the front line of Covid-19

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