
Launch - February 24th 2021

Grab you afternoon tea with great people from six different countries and seven different universities!

In the launch of our studies we will get acquainted with the aims and tasks of these studies and also learn about each other - who we are and where do we come from. We will also set some ground rules and learn about the structure of the workshops and end of conference presentation event in June. 

The students will be divided into smaller study groups with approximately 5-7 students in each group. Within these groups you will study throughout the whole spring with several different tasks. So get your microphones and web cameras installed, since we are literally kicking this online party started! 

The launch will be held online in Teams. Those students that are accepted to participate in these studies will get an invitation to the site before the launch. 


All the students participating in these studies, please prepare a short quiz about your country beforehand. If you wish, you may use Kahoot, Power point or any other tool you might find suitable. 

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